Monday, January 21, 2013

Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Yes, it is probably one of the oldest cliches of all time, but also one of the truest and maybe even more so when talking about BAD habits.  My bad habit?  My bad habit is doing great through the week and then sabotaging my whole diet over the weekend.  I get up and get myself to the gym through the weekdays and I make myself eat right and I track all of my food and then comes the weekend (dun dun dun duuuun).  This weekend started out with a skating party with cookie cake, oh how I love cookie cake!  But I split mine with Eli so I did good and I was proud of myself. Then we went to eat Mexican and I promised myself that I wouldn't over do it, that I would count my chips out and that I would only have two fajitas and that's IT!  Well, the chip counting didn't go so well and I did only eat two fajitas but then I ate more chips with the yummy fajita stuff.  Afterwards I wanted to die!  I didn't feel good at all!  Which brings me to the question, why if I feel so bad do I still overeat? It's like I thought this was the last time for Mexican food EVER!  

Why do I sabotage my self?  I do really want to lose this weight, right?  Yes, of course I do, so what's my problem?  My problem is that I hate to disappoint ANYONE!  I am a "people pleaser" to the extreme.  I love spending time with my family and I hate to disappoint. So I go with the flow, knowing what I'm about to do to my diet.  In fact sometimes I am even the one who suggests going somewhere to eat.  I know that Josh loves (I mean LOVES) Mexican food, and I love him, so how do I show him I love him?  By going to a place he loves to eat!  I have come to realize that I'm almost never willing to let anyone down except myself! I will work until I'm blue in the face (yes, another cliche) to keep promises to people.  However, when it comes to my promise to myself to get healthy I just let that promise go!  Isn't that probably one of the most important promises I have made?  Isn't it not only a promise to myself but to my family, that I will be healthy so that I can be around for a long long time?  

My personal challenge to myself is to not only eat right this week but eat right through the weekend also!  This weekend will be a true test because we are having a Bible teacher's workday at church with lunch provided and then I have ANOTHER skating party to attend.   So make sure you check back next Monday to see how I do!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Name, New Year, New Goals!

New Name, New Year, New Goals!

I had to change my blog name...why?  Because I'm not 30 and I'm not healthy!  That is, I'm not healthy YET!  I failed at getting healthy by 30, but that's in the past and the only way to get healthy is to move forward. I decided to bring my blog back because I have things that I want to say but Facebook just isn't the place for it.  So welcome to my new and improved blog!  I will be completely real, sometimes happy, sometimes not so happy.  I'm sure that I will add in some of my like that isn't directly related to weight loss too, hence the Real Mom part of my name.

The other day I was at Josh's gym (my gym is at Katty's Fitness) and I was getting ready to work out.  I looked in the mirror and I immediately hated myself!  I hated my whole body including the big zit on my forehead (hello puberty at 31 years old).  I wanted to quit before I even got on the floor. I fought the urge to cry and I fought the urge to leave.  I instead went out on the floor, found an elliptical machine, and worked out, VICTORY!  While working out I thought of how many women are probably just like me.  How many hate themselves.  How many are too ashamed to even go the gym.  How many feel lost in their own skin.  Maybe if someone who happens to feel like me, stumbles upon my little blog they will know that they aren't alone.  So just maybe while helping myself I will also help/inspire someone else.

Here are my goal for the rest of this month.
- Make it to the gym at least 4 times a week.
-Track my food (I use my fitness pal)
-Work on positive thinking.

And just in case you are wondering I weigh 220 lbs.  I did manage to keep off 15 lbs for a year, so yay for that!