Friday, November 12, 2010

Weigh in

So my weigh in was yesterday evening and by the time we got home I was just plain to tired to update. I went and weighed in at around 5:30 last night.  Throughout the day I made a concise decision to not starve myself even though weigh in was fast approaching.  Usually us weight watcher eat very little throughout the day, but I figured if I don't start that now then I will never have to worry about it as long as I don't go crazy and gorge myself.  After all I'm doing this to get healthy and starving myself and dehydrating myself for a full day would not be what I would call healthy.  So I drank my water too!  I'm really bad about forgetting to drink water so I bought bottled water and for some reason I drink much more when it's bottled water.  Anyways, so I weighed in and I lost 3.2lbs!  I was really hoping for a five, but I wasn't really disappointed with my number. I did really well keeping up with my points and tracking my food.  The one thing that I did different then I have ever done before was that instead of eating all of my extra points through the weekend I used a little each day.  I'm not sure if this made any difference or not.  I did really well on my positive thinking and talking.  I haven't said one bad thing about myself in a full week.  I don't think I ever realized how down on myself I was until I had to stop myself from saying all of those things at least a couple hundred times.  So this week I'm going to keep my positive thinking and talking as one of my goals but I'm going to add in another goal.  I've had a bad infection over the last two weeks that has stopped me from going to the gym and now that my infection is finally gone I can go back!  So this week I also commit to making it to the gym and at least 3 times.  I want to say more, but as soon as I say 5 days one of my kids will get sick and blow the whole thing, so 3 times allows some wiggle(or sick child) room.  I feel so committed this time it's unreal, I can honestly say that I'm ready to be done with this extra weight for good!  I'm ready to see what I can do this next week!  Thanks for reading!! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The beginning

So today was it, the moment of truth, the day of reckoning, the day I come to terms with my weight and what I have done to my body. At 5:48p.m. I walked into Weight Watchers and weighed.  I haven't weighed in for almost a year.  I know that WW is the plan for me and I know that I can loose weight on it, because I have done it before.  So I take my cute little black shoes off (who wants those extra ounces?) and step onto the scale and there it is 230.06 lbs!  I can't believe it, how did I let this happen?  I know that I have been miserable in my own body for some time now, but 230lbs miserable?  So I walk out and go to eat my last meal where points don't matter and I'm already looking for things that I can eat that won't hurt my plan.  I want to make a true change this time, one that will stick with me, one that will make my life happier, healthier, and easier!  I want to really feel better about myself.  I'm tired of being in a crowd and not feeling worthy because of how I look.  I'm tired of walking my my husband and feeling ashamed for him that he has "this" as a wife.  I'm tired of going to stores and thinking "someday I will wear this".  That "someday" has extended over three years and I'm DONE!  By December 15th, 2011 I will be able to say that "someday" has turned into "now"!  So here I am with my little WW book, points tracker and gym membership trying to devise my plan.  Each Thursday night I will post my weight, and I will have a new goal for my next week.  My goal will not always be a number on the scale, I have more to accomplish than just a number. I will also  I will try to post a new picture every 10 or so pounds so that my progress can be seen.  So here is my weight for Nov 04, 2010 is 230.06 lb. and my goal is positive thinking.  I have spent to many years hating myself and taking every opportunity to cut my self down whether to my self or out loud.  So far today I haven't said one hateful word about myself, I have thought them but I have quickly tried to change my negative thinking into positive thinking.  I'm sure my husband will be happy about this goal , because he truly can't stand how negative I am about myself.   So here it is my weight loss journey has begun, and this time I will succeed!
